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Question 1:
When evaluating the customer data for Alpha Acquisitions, you discover a data entry error. The contact title of “Account Manager” has been entered as “Accounting Manager”. You must correct these entries before it is moved to the data warehouse. How to Execute the Alpha_NACustomer_Job with the default execution properties after saving all of the objects that you have created.
A. In the Omega project, right-click the Alpha_Customers_Job.
B. In the Replace value column, enter Account Manager.
C. Choose Finish.
D. Choose Execute.
E. To use the default execution properties, choose OK.
Correct Answer: ADE
Question 2:
Contains the repository name associated with the ________ Server?
A. Batch
B. Real-Time
C. Adapters
D. Profiler
Correct Answer: D
Question 3:
You must ensure that all records from the Customer table in the Alpha database are being moved to the Delta staging database using the audit logs. In the Local Object Library, replicate the Alpha_NACustomer_DF data flow.
Name the replicated data flow Alpha_AuditCustomer_DF. Add the replicated data flow to a new job, Alpha_AuditCustomer_Job. Set up auditing on the data flow Alpha_AuditCustomer_DF by adding an audit rule to compare the total number of records in the source and target tables. How to Replicate the Audit_NACustomer_DF data flow.
A. In the Local Object Library Data Flow tab right click the Alpha_NACustomer_DF data flow and choose Replicate
B. Rename the copied data flow Alpha_AuditCustomer_DF.
C. Right-click the Omega project in the Project Area.
D. Choose a New Batch Job
E. Name the new job Alpha_AuditCustomer_Job.
Correct Answer: AB
Question 4:
To ensure that your job is processing the data correctly, you want to run the job in debug mode. To minimize the data you have to review in the interactive debugger, you set the debug option process to show only records from an individual CountryID field value.
In the Cloud/WTS environment, the Designer will not allow multiple users to share the interactive debugger port. Change the interactive debugger port in the Designer options.
A. From the main menu, choose Tools Options
B. From the Designer options, choose Environment
C. In the Interactive Debugger field, enter port number 60XX. A dialog box with the message “Overwrite job server option parameters (BODI1260099)” opens. To continue, choose Yes and click ok
D. In the Filter window, select the Set checkbox
Correct Answer: ABC
Question 5:
Execute the Alpha_NACustomer_Job in debug mode with a subset of records. In the workspace for the Alpha_NACustomer_Job, add a filter between the source and the Query transform to filter the records so that only customers from the USA are included in the debug session.
A. Open the workspace for the Alpha_NACustomer_DF and Right-click the connection between the source table and the Query Transform and choose Set Filter/Breakpoint
B. In the Filter window, select the Set checkbox
C. In the workspace for the Alpha_NACustomer_DF, right click the connection between the source table and the Query transform, and choose Remove Filter
D. Right-click the connection between the source table and the Query transform, and choose Set Filter/ Breakpoint
E. In the Breakpoint window, select the Set checkbox
Correct Answer: AB
Question 6:
By which application you do Evaluate the reliability of your target data based on the validation rules you created in your batch jobs? Quickly review, assess, and identify potential inconsistencies or errors in source data.
A. Administrator
B. Impact and Lineage Analysis
C. Operational Dashboard
D. Data Validation Dashboard
E. Auto Documentation
F. Data Quality Reports
Correct Answer: D
Question 7:
How to Connect the source table to the target table?
A. Click the right side of the source table.
B. Hold the left mouse button down while dragging to the left side of the target table.
C. To save changes, choose OK.
D. Choose Execute
Correct Answer: AB
Question 8:
You must ensure that all records from the Customer table in the Alpha database are being moved to the Delta staging database using the audit logs. In the Local Object Library, replicate the Alpha_NACustomer_DF data flow.
Name the replicated data flow Alpha_AuditCustomer_DF. Add the replicated data flow to a new job, Alpha_AuditCustomer_Job. Set up auditing on the data flow Alpha_AuditCustomer_DF by adding an audit rule to compare the total number of records in the source and target tables.
How to Save all changes and execute the job with auditing enabled and Trace Audit Data set to Yes
A. To remove the existing audit rule, choose Delete
B. Choose to Add and select Custom.
C. Right-click the Alpha_AuditCustomer_Job and choose Execute.
D. In the Execution Properties dialog box, in the Execution Options tab, select the Enable auditing checkbox.
E. In the Trace tab, choose Trace Audit Data.
F. In the Value field, using the drop-down list, change the value to Yes.
Correct Answer: CDEF
Question 9:
You must ensure that all records from the Customer table in the Alpha database are being moved to the Delta staging database using the audit logs.
In the Local Object Library, replicate the Alpha_NACustomer_DF data flow. Name the replicated data flow Alpha_AuditCustomer_DF. Add the replicated data flow to a new job, Alpha_AuditCustomer_Job.
Set up auditing on the data flow Alpha_AuditCustomer_DF by adding an audit rule to compare the total number of records in the source and target tables. How to Enable auditing for the execution of the Alpha_AuditCustomer_Job.
A. Right-click the Alpha_AuditCustomer_Job.
B. Choose Execute.
C. In the Execution Properties dialog box, choose the Execution Options tab, and select the Enable auditing checkbox.
D. Choose the Trace tab and choose Trace Audit Data.
E. Under Action on failure, select the Raise exception checkbox.
Correct Answer: ABCD
Question 10:
In addition to the main databases for source information, records for orders are stored in flat files. You need to extract data from these flat files, and so must create the appropriate file format for the extraction.
Create a file format Orders_Format for the orders flat file so that you can use it as a source object for extraction. (Validate the correct statement).
A. In the Local Objects Library, choose the Formats tab.
B. Right-click the Flat Files node and choose New.
C. Enter Orders_Format as the format name.
D. Right-click your new file format Orders_Format and choose View Data.
Correct Answer: ABC
Question 11:
You must ensure that all records from the Customer table in the Alpha database are being moved to the Delta staging database using the audit logs. In the Local Object Library, replicate the Alpha_NACustomer_DF data flow. Name the replicated data flow Alpha_AuditCustomer_DF.
Add the replicated data flow to a new job, Alpha_AuditCustomer_Job. Set up auditing on the data flow Alpha_AuditCustomer_DF by adding an audit rule to compare the total number of records in the source and target tables. How to Add the Alpha_AuditCustomer_DF to the Alpha_AuditCustomer_Job.
A. Drag the Alpha_AuditCustomer_DF from the Local Object Library to the
B. Alpha_AuditCustomer_Job workspace.
C. Right-click the Omega project in the Project Area.
D. Choose a New Batch Job
E. Name the new job Alpha_AuditCustomer_Job.
Correct Answer: A
Question 12:
Which parameter is the number of seconds to sleep before the Data Profiler checks for completion of an invoked task? Invoked tasks run synchronously, and the Data Profiler must check for their completion.
A. Invoke sleep interval (seconds)
B. Submit sleep interval (seconds)
C. Inactive interval (minutes)
D. Active Interval (Seconds)
Correct Answer: A
Question 13:
By which application you do View dashboards that provide at-a-glance statistics, status, and performance of your job executions for one or more repositories over a given time period?
A. Administrator
B. Impact and Lineage Analysis
C. Operational Dashboard
D. Data Validation Dashboard
E. Auto Documentation
F. Data Quality Reports
Correct Answer: C
Question 14:
Where is an SAP Data Services job executed?
A. Access server
B. Job server
C. Designer application
D. Management console
Correct Answer: B
Question 15:
The Marketing department would like to send special offers to customers who have placed a specified number of orders.
This can be done by creating a custom function that must be called when a customer order is placed. You want to create a custom function to accept the input parameters of the Customer ID, and the number of orders required to receive a special order, check the Orders table, and then create an initial list of eligible customers.
A. Right-click the target table and choose View data.
B. Confirm that order 11146 has 204000.00 as a total value.
C. In the Local Object Library, create a new customer function called CF_MarketingOffer.
D. Create a new batch job and data flow, called Alpha_Marketing_Offer_Job and Alpha_Marketing_Offer_DF respectively, and a new global variable $G_Num_to_Qual.
E. In the job workspace, define a script to define the global variable and attach the script to the data flow.
Correct Answer: CDE
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