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geekcert Pegasystems CSA 312-39 dumps have been updated to include the most popular PDF files and VCE practice exam engine to help you practice with the newly updated Pegasystems CSA 312-39 exam questions!

You are welcome to download the latest geekcert Pegasystems CSA 312-39 dumps: https://www.geekcert.com/312-39.html (100 Q&A)

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Supply: Download the latest Pegasystems CSA 312-39 dumps PDF:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vPhr1Wzxv-VWXtGaTs2THbru3fcOO_YC/

Pegasystems CSA 312-39 dumps exam questions and answers:


Daniel is a member of an IRT, which was started recently in a company named Mesh Tech. He wanted to find the purpose and scope of the planned incident response capabilities. What is he looking for?

A. Incident Response Intelligence
B. Incident Response Mission
C. Incident Response Vision
D. Incident Response Resources

Correct Answer: D

Reference: https://blog.eccouncil.org/phases-of-an-incident-response-plan/


Bonney\’s system has been compromised by gruesome malware.
What is the primary step that is advisable to Bonney in order to contain the malware incident from spreading?

A. Complaint to police in a formal way regarding the incident
B. Turn off the infected machine
C. Leave it to the network administrators to handle
D. Call the legal department in the organization and information them about the incident

Correct Answer: B


Robin, a SOC engineer in a multinational company, is planning to implement a SIEM. He realized that his organization is capable of performing only Correlation, Analytics, Reporting, Retention, Alerting, and Visualization required for the SIEM implementation and has to take collection and aggregation services from a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP).

What kind of SIEM is Robin planning to implement?

A. Self-hosted, Self-Managed
B. Self-hosted, MSSP Managed
C. Hybrid Model, Jointly Managed
D. Cloud, Self-Managed

Correct Answer: B


The threat intelligence, will help you, understand adversary intent and make informed decisions to ensure appropriate security in alignment with risk. What kind of threat intelligence is described above?

A. Tactical Threat Intelligence
B. Strategic Threat Intelligence
C. Functional Threat Intelligence
D. Operational Threat Intelligence

Correct Answer: B

Reference: https://www.blueliv.com/cyber-security-and-cyber-threat-intelligence-blog-blueliv/threat-intelligence/what-is-threat-intelligence/


Which of the following can help you eliminate the burden of investigating false positives?

A. Keeping default rules
B. Not trusting the security devices
C. Treating every alert as high level
D. Ingesting the context data

Correct Answer: A

Reference: https://stratozen.com/9-ways-eliminate-siem-false-positives/


What type of event is recorded when an application driver loads successfully in Windows?

A. Error
B. Success Audit
C. Warning
D. Information

Correct Answer: D

Reference: https://www.manageengine.com/network-monitoring/Eventlog_Tutorial_Part_I.html


According to the Risk Matrix table, what will be the risk level when the probability of an attack is very low and the impact of that attack is major?

A. High
B. Extreme
C. Low
D. Medium

Correct Answer: C

Reference: https://www.moheri.gov.om/userupload/Policy/IT%20Risk%20Management%20Framework.pdf (17)


Which of the following is a default directory in a Mac OS X that stores security-related logs?

A. /private/var/log
B. /Library/Logs/Sync
C. /var/log/cups/access_log
D. ~/Library/Logs

Correct Answer: D


Which of the following data source will a SOC Analyst use to monitor connections to the insecure ports?

A. Netstat Data
B. DNS Data
C. IIS Data
D. DHCP Data

Correct Answer: A


Which of the following process refers to the discarding of the packets at the routing level without informing the source that the data did not reach its intended recipient?

A. Load Balancing
B. Rate Limiting
C. Black Hole Filtering
D. Drop Requests

Correct Answer: C

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole_(networking)#:~:text=In%20networking%2C%20black%20holes%20refer,not%20reach%20its%20intended%20recipient.


An attacker, in an attempt to exploit the vulnerability in the dynamically generated welcome page, inserted code at the end of the company\’s URL as follows:
http://technosoft.com.com/alert(“WARNING: The application has encountered an error”);.
Identify the attack demonstrated in the above scenario.

A. Cross-site Scripting Attack
B. SQL Injection Attack
C. Denial-of-Service Attack
D. Session Attack

Correct Answer: D


Which encoding replaces unusual ASCII characters with “%” followed by the character\’s two-digit ASCII code expressed in hexadecimal?

A. Unicode Encoding
B. UTF Encoding
C. Base64 Encoding
D. URL Encoding

Correct Answer: D

Reference: https://ktflash.gitbooks.io/ceh_v9/content/125_countermeasures.html


In which of the following incident handling and response stages, the root cause of the incident must be found from the forensic results?

A. Evidence Gathering
B. Evidence Handling
C. Eradication
D. Systems Recovery

Correct Answer: A

Reference: https://www.eccouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ECIH-V2-Brochure.pdf


We strongly recommend that you download the latest Pegasystems CSA 312-39 dumps from geekcert.com! Guaranteed to actually pass the exam.
Pegasystems CSA 312-39 PDf dumps and Pegasystems CSA 312-39 VCE dumps:https://www.geekcert.com/312-39.html (100 Q&A)
(All objectives of the exam are covered in depth, so you can prepare for any question on the exam)

Supply: Download the latest Pegasystems CSA 312-39 dumps PDF:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vPhr1Wzxv-VWXtGaTs2THbru3fcOO_YC/

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